Wilderness, 2023


Growing out of my Catholic roots I continue to explore this idea of religion free of the rules and condemnation of the Catholic church. Freedom being a core value of the Bible the more I grow the more I wrestle with what this really means. Looking into myself I often ponder where I am and lost seems to be a common conclusion that I draw. In the wilderness is where I am. Confused, lost, tired, yet somehow comforted at the thought that I am not alone and that I will get out. There is freedom in knowing that wherever you are there is protection and guidance. In Matthew 4 Jesus is sent into the wilderness by himself for 40 days to be tempted. My fifth semester of college has felt very similar to being in the wilderness. My work explores the idea of isolation vs solitude and how being alone can be comforting. It also explores the cycle of decline, realization, and growth. Using symbols from Christianity my work clearly points back to my faith in accreditation to my navigation through this wilderness. I define the wilderness as a feeling or emotion rather than a physical place. My work encourages self reflection and exploration into one's own idea of wilderness as well as religion and the freedom that can be found there.


How to Feel


Peace in Him