Parable of the Sower, 2024

Linoleum Block, 9’’x12’’

Only 10% of people would say they know their purpose and only 5% would say they are following it regularly. A statistic that is discouraging, to say the least. How does one know this? Or stay on this path? In my own life I look to faith to solve my purpose problem; digging deeper into what purpose means in general and my individual piece to this puzzle that is called life. As I looked into the Bible for answers I came upon a story about seeds spread on a path. The first of these seeds was eaten up by birds, the second choked by thorns as it grew up, the third spread on rocks so it couldn’t grow up, and the last grew to flourish and make a lot of fruit. To encounter a seed on the path is to make a choice, what will you do with it? Maybe there is no answer yet but to fail to ponder is to fail to care, we are worth more than that. In this work I explore the idea of a foundation, thinking about what we are building our life on. We are constantly overwhelmed with choices about what our lives look like, young adulthood is something that you cannot be prepared for. Jumping into the unknown with no basis of know. Putting myself on this path I re-experienced the growth I have endured in the past few years, my naivety, my gain in wisdom, and the bewilderment that comes with adulthood. Some are hard to revisit but essential in tilling the soil on the path so that the seed may grow if that is my choice. The challenge is what exactly allows the seed to grow?


Where the Wild things Grow